I kinda like the madness to it, It's like the matrix with all them fighting one guy so a good score for you 5/5 and 10/10. But a suggestion, could u make it longer please.
I kinda like the madness to it, It's like the matrix with all them fighting one guy so a good score for you 5/5 and 10/10. But a suggestion, could u make it longer please.
okey the full version will be longer and just one thing - thanks :)
wow really somewhat okayish
Im a star trek fan so there is already a rift between this. Anyways the singing and the music was okay and STAR TREK WILL RULE FOREVER Muhahahahahahaha.!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways the only reason I watched this was because I was bored stiff out of my mine. So don't get any ideas.
Man whoever watches this is going to crack up. Y the fuck don't I have any eyes. Ya Darwin figure that one out U Beardy Bastard lol hilarious.
lol funny
You've got to be kidding me......................... wow what did ever happen to good clean fun.
I vouch for this collab series now shut up u pansies who do low scores and live with ur parent's and are a social cripple.
Anyone and I mean anyone who says this lacks stuff is probably the 14 year old who lives in his parents basement and watches porn with no life. That means shut up. If u have a problem critisize my work not this awesome stuff.
Wow that was something
This was funny good job I laughed with all of the silly voices going on, and the Brad Pitt expo was good to.
Noooo..... man I got so emotional.
I was like ahhh hell no when they jumped off the roof, and then everything went awesome with dove and then freeing katy, and then I was kiss..kiss..kiss.. damn it kiss her already. But anyways good job.
Awesome this is cute
when usually working with flash people put in 12 frames per second or more, but this is smooth for 8 which is what I'm working with. Nice keep up the good work when u do have time put in music and or sound effects and the results will double I guarantee it.
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Age 35, Male
Wally employee
Joined on 11/24/10